Leif Latiff

Fractional CTO, Indie Maker & Ukulele Player

How I moved from one tech to another, and still not the "expert"

Talking to an old friend on LinkedIn prompted me to write this down.

How I moved from one tech to another, and still not the “expert”.

I was a CS student from the late 90s to early 2000s, when tech was still in its “growing” phase.

We didn’t have that many choices like today.

So either we became “CD-multimedia” programmers (creating interactive content for CD-ROMs), computer technicians, or office administrators that knew how to use Excel and fix printers when the paper got stuck.

I don’t want to dwell into specifics of what went on (or went wrong) during those times, but my point is, 90+% of us became clueless of what we wanted to become.

I love computers, games mostly, so I chose that path.

Since we were trained to be just “good enough” for something, we were always faced with the dilemma of what to do next or thoughts like “why am I so average?”, and so on. I know, people still have that nowadays.

Excluding my soul-searching endeavours before sticking to my first real job, I started as Network Assistant (for awhile), then as Wintel Engineer at one of the tech pioneer companies in the US. Wintel here is windows server with Intel processor, or whatever.

My last real employment role was as Systems Engineer, working on both Windows and Unix/Linux server infrastructure. I’m leaving out a lot of details about those roles, as it would be too long and boring to go into.

After that, again, leaving out all my mid-life crisis endeavours, I started my own full-stack development agency as you might know by now, Jerami Tech.

I’ve dabbled with no-code: a year before COVID and during COVID — pivoted from code to no-code gigs.

I’ve tried working as No-Code Project/Product Manager for a startup based in New York. That was fun, but realized (both the CEO and myself) that they don’t need a No-Code PM at all.

Finally, last year, I’ve joined a couple of friends and helped building a generative AI tool for research.

Phew, writing these few paragraphs feels like writing a long-ass novel or something. I think, it’s the “excess baggage” of remembering those memories. A bittersweet one.

Ok, now on to the main part! Ha ha. What?!

Looking back on this journey, a pattern emerges.

Throughout those years, I never felt like I’m an expert of anything.

I’ve tried to become a specialist in systems engineering, but I never got the job that I wanted. At least, that’s how I saw it at the time.

I’ve tried to become a very good programmer, but always felt stuck in building something that really works. Or so I thought - it might have just been me. The app does work as intended.

Went on and back from front-end to back-end to front-end again… Sigh.

Moving from one programming language to another, because I thought I sucked at JAVA, maybe I’ll be good at C#. Then, javascript, ruby, python, and so on…

Feeling tired of reading this?

Yeah, me too… doing them.

Give it a pause. Drink that coffee, or make (another) one.

Pat your cat or dog, or yourself, and say, “Aaatta boy/girl!”




Ok, on to my main-main point of the story…




It’s 2024, and we need to unstuck ourselves from that limbo of “I need to be the best at ____“.

You can be a generalist. THE generalist! Be just good enough for the main thing you’re supposed to do, give it your best, do it properly — not half-baked, and then give more value to the whole company. Bonus tips: Be humble, and be kind to one another.

In my case, I can be the best tech-generalist that helps small businesses or startups with their technology. I can code, I can build. But I also have the eye for design, I can fix my own UI/UX and all that jazz.

Want more?

If we have VPS issues, I know where to find the solutions or know people who might help.

Our website is not doing well? I can write a good copywriting or know somebody who’s good at it… or I know what to look for when we’re interviewing the candidates that we need.

Our tech funding is running low? Again, either I fix it myself, or get the best people to help. Of course, I can’t promise that it will be perfect. But we can do quick fixes (properly) before we get the next funds in. Deal?

And so on, and so forth.

Sooo… what do we learned today?

You don’t have to be the expert or very, very, very good at that one thing, but instead, learn to give more added value to that role.

I know, you might say, “You can’t get a job by telling the HR ‘I’m a ____ generalist!“.

Yes, you’re right. But some companies do. Trust me on that. You just need to know where to look.

Quoting that old friend, “What I lack in deep cloud knowledge I make up with enterprise experience.”

Do I need to say more? We can discuss further on X or LinkedIn.

So, embrace your diverse skills and experiences – they’re what make you unique, and valuable in today’s tech landscape.

That’s my TEDtalk, thank you for joining in!

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🚨LIVE Count: 1/5🚨

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